Admission Open (2024-25)

DISCOVER St. Xavier's Public School, Kalanwali

ST. Xavier's Public School is a registered member of "XAVIER'S COUNCIL OF INDIA", CBSE Pattern, New Delhi Group, guided by an pro-nation organization named "FACE OF THE NATION". School provides superior education opportunities to children of diverse background and abilities. Within a caring and supportive environment, the school educates the child through academics, fine arts, moral values and physical development. Each child is recognized as a unique student. All the students are challenged to fulfill their individual potential. All children are encouraged to pursue excellence in their lives and to play positive roles in their families and communities. ST. Xavier's Public School's program has been founded on a development approach. A development program recognizes that readiness for any given task is based on child's biological maturation rather than chronological age. Curriculum concepts are introduced through a "hands on approach " which allows the child to touch, taste, feel and experience the world around him.

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Principal Message

Dear Esteemed Parents, Students, Faculty and Supporters of St. Xavier's Public School ... It is with profound humility and great enthusiasm that I extend my warmest greetings to each of you as the Principal of our esteemed institution, St. Xavier's Public School. As we embark on this journey together, 1 am filled with a sense of dedication and resolve to uphold the rich traditions of excellence and integrity that have long been synonymous with our school's name. At St. Xavier's, we hold steadfast to the belief that education is not merely about the aceumulation of knowledge, but the cultivation of character and the pursuit of personal exeellence. Our vision is not just to shape bright minds, but to nurture compassionate hearts and resilient spirits, empowering each student to become the best version of themselves each and every day. In a world that often emphasizes competition and comparison, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering a culture of self-improvement and personal growth. Rather than measuring success in terms of external benchmarks or rankings, we encourage our students to focus on the pursuit of individual excellence - to strive not to be better than others, but to be better than they were yesterday. Central to our mission is the belief that true greatness lies not in outperforming others, but in mastering oneself. We challenge our students to set high standards for themselves and to pursue excellence in all that they do, not for the sake of winning or recognition, but for the fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from knowing they have given their best effort. At the heart of our educational philosophy lies a deep commitment to integrity. righteousness, and ethical conduct. We believe that true success is not just about what you achieve, but how you achieve it - with honesty, integrity, and a sense of moral responsibility. Our aim is to instill in our students a deep sense of integrity and ethical fortitude, empowering them to navigate life's challenges with courage, integrity, and grace. As we look to the future, I am filled with optimism and excitement for the journey ahead. Together, let us continue to uphold the values of integrity. compassion, and excellence that have been the hallmark of St. Xavier's Public School for generations. Let us work tirelessly to create a school community where every child feels valued, supported, and empowered to realize their dreams. In closing, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to cach and every one of you for your unwavering support and commitment to our shared vision of educational excellence. Together, let us embark on this journey with courage. conviction, and a steadfast belief in the transformative power of education to shape the future leaders of tomorrow. With warmest regards Mr. Robinson Joseph Principal St. Xavier's Public School

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Chairman Message

Dear Parents, We are delighted that you have considered St. Xavier's Public School for your child's future. An investment made in St. Xavier's Public School's education pays many dividends throughout life. Research shows that half of a child's adult intelligence is formed during the first five years of his life. Thus, the environment during this is most formative and impressionable period that must provide the experience for physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social development of the child. The education system must cope with the ever-growing challenges of life. SXPS aims to providing these experiences through creative and modern education in an attractive, interactive and caring environment. In the next five years, the focus will be at academic excellence. This will help students to get into finest higher education institutions in this area. Adv. Salinder Singh Chairman

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